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New release of Nutshell Mail to be accessible? Let's find out together.

If you are among those who use Nutshell Mail for aggregating all of your social media and email account information, you will be pleased to know that a new version will be released soon. According to Mark, who is with Nutshell Mail support and with whom I’ve exchanged email, the new release will be out sometime in the next two weeks..

When I first heard about the new version, I was concerned enough to write to Nutshell Mail, explaining that I specifically chose the service because it was accessible, and encouraged them not to abandon their users who are blind or visually impaired. Mark admitted that while they may not have specifically set out to achieve accessibility, he was pleased that the service worked well for me, and then invited me to participate in the early beta test group, so that I could provide feedback as to how well the new version functioned with my accessibility software.

Once again, I found myself so pleased that a company would not only care about the issue, but would actually invite my participation and feedback. The willingness to make adjustments so that the Nutshell Mail product can be used by everyone is such a statement about the company’s commitment to customer service.

Mark assured me that if for some reason the new version of Nutshell mail was not a comfortable switch for any user, they could revert to the “classic” version of the service. However, he pointed out that the “whole new Nutshell Mail would give users a much more robust way to message back into Facebook and Twitter.”

So, look forward to the new release soon, and my own updates as to how the new interface works with Jaws and Zoomtext.

Nutshell Mail is another example of my belief that good customer service is an equal opportunity opportunity.


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