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Tag: Screen sharing

Zoom in on this follow-up: Keyboard shortcuts

After sharing my experience with the Zoom video conferencing platform in a blog post last week, many of my readers had questions. So, I will continue to post on the subject with what I hope will be helpful tips and updates. The first of these follow-ups is to post the list of keyboard shortcuts that are useful when using Zoom with keyboard navigation for Windows or Mac. The list is not hidden by any means, but it isn’t in a really obvious spot in the control panel, either. Just clip out the list below and stash it someplace it will be easy for you to find and refer to later. After all, unless you plan to conduct video conferences or screen sharing on a daily basis, most of us won’t use Zoom often enough to memorize the list of hotkey’s, and interrupting your workflow while you search for the keyboard shortcut list will be frustrating. Please also note the prerequisites:

• Must be running Zoom version 3.5.19869.0701 or higher on Windows.
• Must be running Zoom version 3.5.19877.0701 or higher on Mac.

• F6: Navigate among popped up panels
• Ctrl+Alt+Shift: Move focus to Zoom’s meeting controls
• ESC: Exit full-screen whenever available
• PageUP/PageDown: View next or previous 25 video stream in gallery view
• Alt: Turn on/off the option ‘Always show meeting control toolbar’ in “Settings”>>”Accessibility”
• Alt+F1: Switch to active speaker view in video meeting
• Alt+F2: Switch to gallery video view in video meeting
• Alt+V: Turn on/off Video
• Alt+A: Mute/unmute audio
• Alt+M: Mute/unmute audio for everyone except host Note: For the meeting host only
• Alt+S: Launch share screen window and stop screen share. Note: Will only work when meeting control toolbar has focus
• Alt+Shift+S: Start/stop new screen share Note: Will only work when meeting control toolbar has focus
• Alt+T: Pause or resume screen share Note: Will only work when meeting control toolbar has focus
• Alt+R: Start local recording
• Alt+C: Start cloud recording
• Alt+P: Pause or resume recording
• Alt+N: Switch camera
• Alt+F: Enter or exit full screen
• Alt+H: Toggle In-Meeting Chat panel
• Alt+U: Toggle Participants panel
• Alt+I: Open Invite window

• Command(?)+`: Navigate among popped up panels
• Control+P: View next or previous 25 video stream in gallery view
• Control+N: View next or previous 25 video stream in gallery view
• Command(?)+Shift+M: Switch to thumbnail view
• Command(?)+Shift+W: Switch to active speaker view
• Command(?)+Shift+W: Switch to gallery video view
• Command(?)+Shift+V: Turn on/off video
• Command(?)+Shift+A: Mute/unmute audio
• Command(?)+Control+M: Mute audio for everyone except host Note: For the meeting host only
• Command(?)+Control+U: Unmute audio for everyone except host Note: For the meeting host only
• Command(?)+Shift+S: Start/stop screen share
• Command(?)+Shift+T: Pause or resume screen share
• Command(?)+Shift+R: Start local recording
• Command(?)+Shift+C: Start cloud recording
• Command(?)+Shift+P: Pause or resume recording
• Command(?)+Shift+N: Switch camera
• Command(?)+Shift+F: Enter or exit full screen
• Command(?)+Shift+H: Toggle In-Meeting Chat Panel
• Command(?)+U: Toggle Participants panel
• Command(?)+I: Open invite window

I tweeted out the direct link to the help center page on the Zoom web site, and I’ll keep it in my Twitter likes/favorites list [@Accessible_Info] so you can find it should you misplace this post.

More soon…


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At long last, an accessible screen sharing solution: Zoom

By the time you read to the end of this post, if you are a screen reader user, your employability potential could be vastly improved. At long last, there is an accessible screen sharing platform that can make the difference between participating in mainstream work, running a remote demonstration independently, leading a video conference, or giving an online presentation, without sighted assistance. What’s more, this is not a work-around. It’s cutting edge, elegant, and best of all…mainstream technology.

One of the most frustrating aspects of the pervasive unemployment situation in the blindness community has been the inability to access some of the most commonly used technology that is standard in many businesses around the world: Screen sharing. the most widely-used platforms, referred to by names such as Go To My PC, along with Go To Webinar and Go To Meeting iterations, Web X, Log Me In, and others, have long been inaccessible for screen reader users. If you have ever found yourself forced to reject a job opportunity, or being forcibly excluded from one, simply because you cannot use this type of technology, you are not alone. Years ago, I had to leave a lucrative position because the job duties included the implementation of a screen sharing program, and I was no longer able to do the work. There was no accessible solution, and at the time, no amount of plying the development team with requests for accessibility support proved fruitful. this heartbreaking situation is no doubt repeated throughout the community, as the technology landscape seems to widen the so-called digital divide.

Recently, I found myself in a similar position. I was presented with a remote teaching opportunity that, seemingly, I would be unable to accept, thanks to the inaccessibility of the platform being used, one of those mentioned above.

The job requirements included that I not only teach my content, but that I also interact with the students, fielding questions, taking a regular roll call, keeping tabs on who was focused on the presentation screen, as opposed to surfing the web, launching video, using on-screen handouts, and reporting on student activity statistics. As the “host,” or moderator of the class, content producer and presenter, I would be required to manage all these tasks while teaching extended continuing education courses lasting several hours. Aware that the platform already in use by the company with which I was contracted was inaccessible, I hired a consultant to assist me in finding an alternative. I was told that if I could find such an alternative, the job was mine. Otherwise, the job would go to a sighted educator.

The consultant evaluated a half-dozen screen sharing products, from well-known tech brands to blindness-specific conference room chat platforms. If one of the options suited the technical specifications of the company I would be working with, such as attendee size, real-time uptime support, or audio/video quality, it failed on the access piece. If accessibility to any degree was supported, then it seemed to favor the attendee, rather than the presenter. If a platform proved to be usable with a screen reader, it failed to meet my audience management or interactivity requirements. Frustrated beyond belief, I interrogated my consultant friend, demanding to know why there was no accessible platform available. None of his answers were satisfactory on any level. This was not, however, for lack of trying. Accounts were opened, or, borrowed. Developers were contacted. Support tickets and bug reports were submitted. Mock presentations were crafted. Apps were downloaded, remote screen reader control was used, calls to colleagues were made. Finally, he concluded, there was just no accessible solution to be had.

I was livid. I ranted and raved and paced the room while I had him on the phone, railing at the injustice of it all. It was maddening to me that but for an inaccessible video player/launcher, or some such triviality, I would be denied meaningful work. this was totally unacceptable to me. My consultant offered to create a work-around, something that would enable screen sharing that re-routed the audio from my screen reader and video in such a way that the audience could hear one, but not the other. Something about a mixer…a second sound card…I don’t know…I was in a rage fog. “It may be too complicated,” he warned me. “You’ll have to manage all this on the fly. And if it goes down, there’s no one to get you up and running.”

In a fit of fury, I pounded three words into a search engine: Accessible video conferencing. Insert clouds parting, glittering golden rays of sunshine pouring forth while the angels sing an alleluia here.

Enter Zoom. Zoom is the first mainstream accessible screen sharing platform that is robust, mainstream, feature-rich, mainstream, and accessible to both presenter/content originator and attendees. Did I mention it’s mainstream?

This is the solution you’ve been waiting for… this is the answer to the interview question, we use X Y Z product here, and the job requires you give presentations…or demos…or consultations…or product training…or teach classes…or collaborate with team members in a satellite location…does that sound like something you can do?”

Now, with Zoom, the answer can be yes.

The Zoom web site is loaded with lots of what you would expect with regard to features and benefits, but this is what jumped out at me right away: The Accessibility page. I only have three words for you…compliance, compliance, compliance. Zoom is not new, but their accessibility improvements are. From the Zoom web site:

“Zoom is committed to ensuring universal access to our products and services, so that all meeting hosts and participants can have the best experience possible. Zoom’s accessibility features enable users with disabilities to schedule, attend, and participate in Zoom meetings and webinars, view recordings, and access administrative features across our supported devices.”

Here’s the link to the Zoom home page:

Click here to go to Zoom home

Zoom actually has a dedicated accessibility team, and the update notes are logged as recently as February in some cases, and last week in others. Zoom services are compatible with standard screen readers such as VoiceOver on iOS and OSX platforms, TalkBack on Android devices, and NVDA for Windows platforms. Check it out on the Zoom accessibility page:

Click here to go to the Zoom accessibility page

Apologizing in advance for my use of hyperbole here, this product is revolutionary. For me, it is going to make the difference between being able to do work or not. As with many similar platforms, there are several levels of feature sets, all with tiered pricing, but there is also a free basic level that is better than just a trial version or a limited-time demo. For those of you who have been trying to solve the problem of interviewing multiple people in different locations while recording everyone for a podcast without sounding like one or more of you is talking from the bottom of a trash dumpster, this is your solution. Want to start up a speaking business? Offer classes? Show off your work product without compatibility concerns? The free, basic level lets you interview or screen share/chat with one person with no time limit, or more than one person for 40 minutes. You can record directly from the dashboard. Need to present to 100 attendees? 1000? 5000? You can…for any number of competitive pricing models.

I don’t know who I could contact on the Zoom team to thank them for what amounts to a technological miracle for me, but I am thrilled. And did I mention it’s mainstream?

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I did apologize to my consultant for yelling.