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Accessible Insights goes audio with Odiogo

In an effort to be as accessible as possible, I have subscribed to a service that will enable my readers to become listeners. The service is called Odiogo.

For my screen reading friends, it is spelled O D I O G O. Cleverly named, in my view, because it turns your blog into an audio feed that can also be podcast on iTunes and other feed directories. Just click the “listen” button, and you can hear the blog post spoken in synthesized speech, and if you subscribe to the RSS feed of this blog, you can download it to your phone or iPod.

Rocked my world. You?

To give credit where credit is due, I discovered this cool plugin while browsing through the Fred’s Head blog at American Printing House. I wrote to the Fred’s Head blogmeister, Michael, and he filled me in.

Thank you, sir, and be flattered. My blog wants to be like yours when it grows up.

Just go to and read up on it, and add the listen feature to your own blog.

I’ll reveal a little secret about how I believe being a screen reader user gives me an advantage over others: Hearing your writing spoken aloud will make you a better writer. Or, speaker. Don’t tell anyone I said that.

It’s true. Once you hear your own words spoken aloud by someone else, or in this case, something else, you will be pained to discover your sloppy writing habits. If you suffer from comma-itis, rambling run-ons or dangling prepositions, the writing maladies will suddenly leap out at you. “Leap out at you” being a good example of a dangling preposition. Horrifying.

Okay, that entire previous paragraph consisted of the worst grammar ever.

anyway, give it a try. It adds a fun new dimension to your otherwise silent cyberspace.

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