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Confess your worst online nightmare

Today, the Accessible Insights blog is crying out for a bit of humor.  While I do work to maintain a balance of topic areas so as to keep my readers coming back for more, I find that what is lacking most days is some lightheartedness.


To that end, I humbly solicit your comments on the following:


What is the worst, most embarrassing blunder you have made online?  We’ve all sent email to one person which was meant for another, but have you ever accidentally pasted an email into the "share" box on Facebook?  Have you ever tweeted something nasty about someone, only to have sent the DM to that very person?  Ever left code on your site that you forgot to pull down, resulting in chaos?


Since I’m guessing there are many of you who are stuck at home due to the snowpocalypse, you need an outlet for your frustration.  That is, if your electricity is on, and you can get online.



Published in Random Ramblings Social Media Mania