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It will only take a minute to make a difference with these Web Aim surveys

Web Aim [] has put out a call to assist in gathering data that will help people with disabilities to gain greater access to online and mobile technology. Here is an opportunity for you to toss in your two cents, and provide meaningful data and commentary that will make a difference in the lives of everyone who uses or needs assistive technology. Web Aim is asking anyone who qualifies to participate in two surveys, one for people who have low vision, and the other for people who have motor disabilities.

In reviewing both surveys, I found the questions to be thoughtful and interesting, enabling the respondents to not only share what devices or methodologies they are using now, but also to express preferences and offer input as to improvements in existing accessibility. the surveys are both short, and will help web and mobile developers to continue to make our technology usable and inclusive for all.

Low vision survey:

Motor disabilities survey:

The surveys will be open until March 15th, 2013. Raise your voice now!


Published in Data Mining