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Don’t mind me, I’m just failing…I mean, learning

Hello, readers!

At the moment, I have a lot of balls in the air. I need to migrate from one shopping cart to another, change my FB page to a shopping page, integrate Instagram, create a shop on another platform,and undergo a major web site remodel. I’m using my blog site as the testing ground. That means that what you see at the moment may not last long, at least with respect to the blog look and feel.

Can, open. Worms, everywhere…

Even though it appears as though there is some sort of shop installed, I’m not selling anything. Not here, anyway. Just fooling around with plug-ins and themes and all manner of customizations. Pay me no mind. There’s nothing to see here, move along, move along.

I will continue to post blog content, but each time you come back, at least for a while, the place may look a bit different than it did the last time you stopped by. Thank you for your patience while I make a mess. Everybody learns differently, and I learn by experience, so I need to fail fast to learn fast, and the best way for me to do that is to quit researching and start doing.

More soon!


Published in Accessible Shopping Random Ramblings