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New book club for blind women entrepreneurs…yeah, both of you

Sorry…Couldn’t help myself with the title of the post. I’m not sure how many blind women entrepreneurs there are out there, but for a few of you I’m thinking of, this book club might be for you.

After tweeting out a link to a list of business books that discuss contemporary business thought and strategies, I was contacted by Erin Edgar (@erinedgar), who suggested we start a book club. Erin thought it would be fun to invite other women who are blind, and who are either entrepreneurs or who are interested in launching a start-up. This seemed like a great idea to me, since all six of the books in the list I tweeted out went right onto my wish list queue. How fun to have others with whom to share ideas and entrepreneurship trials and tribulations.

If this sounds fun to you, please join us! In addition to the list I shared, I have read a ton of business books over the years, and it would be interesting to compare notes as to what others have read as well. I mean, if you haven’t read “Purple Cow,” or “Who Moved My Cheese,” then you just don’t know how to party. If you are interested in joining us, please contact me @Accessible_Info or Erin @erinedgar on Twitter.

Laura – LL

PS: Please share this!

Published in Accessible events Accessible experts