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The Let’s Go Shopping holiday gift event official press release


November 4, 2020
Contact: Laura Legendary
PH: 702-605-1265

Discover an inclusive, online, accessible, virtual shopping mall that connects small businesses with the customers who need them.

Henderson, NV – Laura Legendary, owner of Elegant Insights Braille Creations, and founder of Let’s Go Shopping Virtual Events, has organized a two-day, online accessible experience for seniors and consumers with disabilities called “Let’s Go Shopping!” On November 10 and 11, 2020 from 8 AM PT to 5 PM PT, shoppers will be able to call or connect to the Zoom platform to shop for holiday gifts.

People with disabilities, seniors, and those in rural areas with limited bandwidth or lack of access to help from their family, in-home health care provider, or personal assistant may find navigating web sites to go shopping online difficult. “People with print or cognitive disabilities who would normally have access to assistive technology through their workplace, or a care worker on whom they rely to accomplish shopping tasks may now find themselves isolated, due to the need to protect themselves, or a vulnerable loved one, from Covid-19.

“This will be the fourth Let’s Go Shopping event,” says Legendary, who is blind. “Each has been more successful than the previous, as shoppers find new businesses to explore, both entrepreneurs and consumers benefit.”

Attendees will access the live online mall using the Zoom Video Conferencing platform. Zoom has been a lifesaver for students and parents who need to connect with teachers and colleagues. Zoom enables users to sign in using a desktop, laptop, smartphone app, or even their landline telephone.

Many of the participating vendors also have a disability, or have a close association with someone who does. Vendors are required to make the shopping experience as easy and as frictionless as possible, so they provide multiple ways for attendees to place orders. There are 18 participating vendors, offering everything from artisan crafted jewelry to fashion, food, gadgets and gizmos, pet and guide dog products, personalized gifts, beauty and skin care, home fragrance and decor, craft kits, leather goods, and technology.

“With so many people reluctant to shop in busy malls and crowded public spaces, the Let’s Go Shopping event is a fun way to do a mall crawl from the comfort of your couch,” says Legendary. “Just sit back, relax, and shop till you drop.”

Laura Legendary is owner of Elegant Insights Braille Creations, a distinctive, handcrafted collection of jewelry and accessories, made in the USA, and embossed in braille. Founded in 2011, Elegant Insights jewelry is meaningful, unusual, accessible, and inclusive. We bring out the beauty of braille.

For more information about Let’s Go Shopping Virtual Events, contact:
Laura Legendary

Braille jewelry in bloom…

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Published in Accessible events Accessible Shopping