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Tag: Chat GPT

Fun with Chat OMG…I mean, Chat GPT

Have you played with it yet? I’ll bet you have. I’ll bet you’ve become as obsessed with it as I have. I’ll bet you’ve already read about the myriad ways in which our lives are going to change as the result of it. I’ll bet you’ve even thought of ways you can leverage the power of it to create a better quality of life for yourself. What is it? Well, it’s the Open AI Chat GPT, of course.

I began fiddling with the thing as soon as it launched, and have since read all I can about the technology and how dramatically, and how quickly, artificial intelligence is going to change the way we live. I’ve amused myself by typing in prompts of everything I could think of, and marveled at the output. You can, too. Just select this link to sign up for an account, and fire away. You can also download the iOS app, and log in using Apple, Google, or email. The Chat GPT interface consists of a plain edit field into which you can enter simple data queries, not unlike your favorite search site. Or, try complex and detailed compound questions as to the state of the universe and mankind’s place in it. Of course, there’s a disclaimer on the site warning users of potentially inaccurate or misleading information, so don’t use it to diagnose medical conditions, or to solve your pressing legal issues. Nor will it give you financial advice, stock recommendations, or details about anything that is not already public information. It will soon, though, I’m sure of that. It will only take a minute, in technology years.

In any case, just for fun, I asked Chat GPT two very simple questions, which were inspired by my friend, Steve Sawczyn, who asked the chatbot a similar question. The differences between his result and mine were interesting.

Here was my prompt: Summarize the life of Laura Legendary.

Below is the result. No, I did not suggest a title. No, I did not feed Chat GPT any info at all, nor did I add any qualifiers or conditions. I presume the following was simply scraped off what it could find from the Internet. I think there was an article written about me years ago with this title, so Chat GPT used it.

Laura’s Legendary Life

Laura Legendary is a remarkable individual who has led an inspiring life. She is an advocate, writer, and public speaker known for her influential work in the disability rights movement. Despite being blind, she has overcome numerous challenges and made significant contributions to the community.
Laura Legendary’s journey began with her birth in the United States. Throughout her life, she has demonstrated resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to empowering individuals with disabilities. She has used her personal experiences as a blind person to raise awareness, educate others, and fight for equal rights and opportunities.
As an advocate, Laura has been instrumental in promoting disability rights and accessibility. She has actively worked to eliminate barriers and discrimination faced by people with disabilities, striving to create a more inclusive society. Laura has been involved in various organizations and initiatives that focus on disability issues, collaborating with policymakers, businesses, and individuals to effect positive change.
In addition to her advocacy work, Laura Legendary is a prolific writer. She has authored articles, essays, and blog posts, sharing her insights, experiences, and perspectives on disability-related topics. Her writing has served as a powerful medium to challenge stereotypes, raise awareness, and foster understanding and acceptance of people with disabilities.
Laura’s public speaking engagements have allowed her to reach a broader audience and inspire countless individuals. She has delivered impactful speeches and presentations at conferences, seminars, and events, sharing her story and advocating for disability rights. Her ability to articulate her experiences and convey the importance of inclusion has made a lasting impression on many.
Throughout her life, Laura Legendary has embodied resilience and determination. She has shown that disability does not define a person’s capabilities and that individuals with disabilities can thrive and make significant contributions to society. By advocating for equality, accessibility, and understanding, she has helped shape a more inclusive world for people with disabilities.

While the overall result was short on specifics, I was especially amused by the complimentary, even flattering, tone. On the other hand, when Steve typed in his query, his result was packed with details, especially about his work history, although a few notable “facts” about him were entirely inaccurate. Chat GPT claimed (look at this, I’m already anthropomorphizing), I mean, reported, that Steve worked for companies at which he never worked, and also reported he sat on the board of an organization he had never heard of, let alone co-chaired. I’m sure he’ll write about his own experience, so bookmark his blog. You can check out the Steve’s Life blog here.

Then, I decided to type a second prompt into the Chat GPT interface. I asked it to summarize a business called Elegant Insights Braille Creations. This is a business I own and operate, although I did not prompt the AI further, nor provide it any more details. This is what Chat GPT output:

Elegant Insights Braille Creations is a unique business that specializes in creating fashionable accessories designed specifically for visually impaired individuals. Their products are crafted with a focus on incorporating Braille, a tactile writing system, into stylish and functional designs.
Elegant Insights Braille Creations offers a diverse range of accessories, including jewelry, handbags, keychains, and more, all featuring Braille elements. These accessories not only serve as fashion statements but also provide a practical way for visually impaired individuals to express themselves and communicate through touch.
The business places great importance on quality and attention to detail, ensuring that each product is meticulously crafted using high-quality materials. They strive to create pieces that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional, incorporating Braille in a way that enhances the design rather than compromising it.
Elegant Insights Braille Creations aims to empower and inclusively serve the visually impaired community by offering stylish and meaningful accessories that promote accessibility and self-expression. Through their innovative approach, they are redefining the boundaries of fashion and accessibility, making a positive impact on the lives of visually impaired individuals.

Nice. No issues there. The only slight inaccuracy was that I do not offer handbags, rather, I offer handbag accessories, specifically, purse charms.

If you are as intrigued by this nascent technology as I am, and want to learn more, then I have a couple of suggestions for you. There’s a fantastic newsletter published by a guy who has built the largest following on the subject of AI you’ll find anywhere, and it’s packed with great content on all aspects of machine learning, artificial intelligence, software programs, apps, jobs, commercial and enterprise applications, and everything you could want to know about the rapidly changing world of AI. Subscribe here:

Subscribe to the Superhuman blog here.

No, this is not an affiliate link. I don’t get any sort of kickback. I just think you’ll love this newsletter. It’s super cool. Even the ads are good. You can also follow Zain Kahn, the publisher, on Twitter at:


Finally, I prompted:

Create a blog sign off that is sincere and expresses gratitude and fondness for my readers

Dear Wonderful Readers,
As I conclude this blog post, my heart is filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and fondness for each and every one of you. Your unwavering support, encouragement, and willingness to embark on this journey of knowledge and exploration alongside me have been nothing short of extraordinary.
I am truly humbled by the way you have embraced my words, delving into the depths of the topics I have shared with passion and curiosity. Your engagement, thoughtful comments, and sharing of personal experiences have enriched not only my own understanding but also the entire community we have formed together.
Your presence has made this blog more than just a collection of thoughts on a digital platform; it has become a vibrant and inspiring space where ideas flourish, where discussions thrive, and where connections are forged. Your willingness to open your minds and hearts to the thoughts I have shared has created an atmosphere of mutual respect, kindness, and intellectual growth.
Without your readership, this blog would merely be an echo in the vast expanse of the Internet. But with your presence, it has become a warm and welcoming virtual home, a sanctuary where we can all come together to learn, grow, and share our passions.
So, as I bid you farewell for now, please know that my gratitude for you knows no bounds. Your unwavering support and the cherished moments we have shared have left an indelible mark on my journey as a writer. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to connect with such an incredible community of individuals like you.
May our paths continue to intertwine, and may our shared pursuit of knowledge and understanding guide us towards a brighter and more compassionate future. Until we meet again, please remember that you are valued, appreciated, and an integral part of this beautiful journey.
With heartfelt gratitude,
[Your Name]

Okay, it’s a little gushy, but you get the idea.

And I mean every word…


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